248: The 5 Myths of Ecommerce Entrepreneurship

Hosted by: Austin Brawner with Andrew Foxwell

Have you ever felt that in order to grow your business, you just need to work harder?

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myths of ecommerce

Have you ever felt that in order to grow your business, you just need to work harder?

We’re here to tell you that you’re wrong.

In today’s episode, we’re busting the five myths of ecommerce. From diversifying traffic to always doing the next big thing, we’ll share the realities that will actually help you scale profitably, without burning yourself out.

If you own an ecommerce business or you’re intimately involved with one, this episode’s for you.


Episode Highlights

  • 4:54 Myth #1: All I need to do to grow is work harder.
  • 6:06 Reality: Do less, but do it better.
  • 7:45 Myth #2: To grow you need to diversify traffic.
  • 8:03 Reality: Be an expert on one channel, and don’t diversify until you have to.
  • 11:59 Myth #3: You need to always be doing what’s new.
  • 13:12 Reality: Do the right things at the right time (even if it’s just one thing).
  • 17:19 Myth #4: If I follow big brands, I’ll learn what works.
  • 20:58 Reality: Here’s what actually works, no matter your size.
  • 22:15 Myth #5: Top founders have a clear vision and know what they’re doing from the beginning.
  • 23:19 Reality: Find a mentor you can rely on and build your strategy as you grow.

Links And Resources

Are you ready to hit 7-figures and unlock massive profit in your eComm business in the next 12 months?

If you want to scale up fast, while remaining profitable, we can help. We’ve worked with hundreds of early-stage eComm owners to pour the fuel on their businesses and level up from 6-figures to unstoppable 7-figure success.

This isn’t just getting you set up with the latest FB ads strategy or email marketing. We’ll help you see the big picture on how you can build and scale a profitable company with the right systems in place.

Are you ready to make your first million? Click here and LET’S GO!

Sponsor: Justuno

If you’re nervous about your online business right now, consider this: there’s no better time to make the most of your website traffic. Everyone is home and shopping online!

Justuno is the #1 CRO tool to keep your e-commerce site thriving – from growing your email list, collecting numbers for SMS messaging, or showing smart product recommendations, Justuno helps you convert visits to sales.

It’s the best time to have an e-commerce site, so make the most of it with Justuno.

Head over to ecommerceinfluence.com/justuno for a no-credit card required 14-day trial and a one-click install on Shopify.

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