231: Scaling Successfully With a $25 Product: How Peepers Reached 900% Growth

Hosted by: Austin Brawner with John Hart

Not many ecommerce brands can say they’ve been around for almost 30 years, but Peepers is one of them.

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Not many ecommerce brands can say they’ve been around for almost 30 years, but Peepers is one of them.

Founded in 1993, with a website that went live in 1996, Peepers has been going strong ever since.

In the last 10 years alone, they’ve grown by 900%.

John Hart joined the team five years ago and is now the Ecommerce and Operations Director.

Today he joins us to talk about how Peepers has continued to evolve, the marketing strategies they’re using, including why they find major value in Amazon, and how they’ve successfully approached wholesale.


Episode Highlights

  • 6:08 Introducing John and how he ended up at Peepers.
  • 7:26 What Peepers is doing differently that allowed it to grow 900% over the last 10 years.
  • 11:09 Peepers’ approach to growth and the channels they’re currently investing in.
  • 13:35 Prospecting techniques for both online and offline.
  • 14:56 John’s feelings about selling on Amazon and how they make it work in their overall marketing strategy.
  • 18:21 The challenge of selling glasses online, and the fun strategy Peepers is using to overcome it.
  • 21:28 Why Peepers hasn’t ventured into AI on their site yet.
  • 23:35 Lessons learned about website speed and sacrifices that had to be made.
  • 26:00 Coming up with the perfect product price and Peepers’ price-testing process.
  • 29:48 Peepers’ approach to growing the wholesale component of the business and supporting their partners.
  • 32:31 How John’s role has evolved over the last five years and what he’s focusing on now.
  • 34:50 Employee retention at Peepers and what they do to keep people happy.
  • 39:08 A quick win from John will help you improve your business.

Links And Resources

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